
Simplex conversation (Event Handler)

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Revision as of 10:24, 9 August 2007 by Hege (talk) (Option – Use of UDP Groups)


This document describes how you can override the voice-operated duplex (VOX), and have a fixed speech direction. Two applications are described.<br\> The first one describes how calls from a master station can be programmed to have initial speech direction from the called station towards the master station.<br\> The second one describes how the whole exchange can be set in permanent simplex mode.<br\> Software requirement: AMC 08.20 or newer.

Initial Speech Direction B to A

When a master station calls a substation it is often required that the conversation should have a fixed speech direction from the substation towards the master station.<br\> By using the AlphaCom Event Handler, it is possible to force the M-key on the B-subscriber ON when the conversation starts, and release the M-key when the conversation cancels. This will force the initial speech direction to be from the substation towards the master station. By operating the M-key, the master can override the speech direction. (In AlphaCom, the last one who is pressing the M-key will get the speech direction). If the master makes a short M-key press the conversation will turn to voice switched duplex.


From AlphaPro main menu, press the Users & Stations button. Select the master station from the list box, and press the Events button. Create a new event by pressing the “+” button. Select:

Simplex Conversation Programming.jpg
  • Event type: 08 - Conversation Outgoing
  • When Change to: ON
  • When Related To: All
  • Action: PAUSE
$M L%2.DIR


Create a second event for the same master station by pressing the “+” button again. Select:

Simplex Conversation Programming2.jpg
  • Event type: 08 - Conversation Outgoing
  • When Change to: OFF
  • When Related To: All
  • Action: $MREL L%2.DIR

<br\><br\> If there are several stations to have initial speech direction set, you must create the same two events for each of the stations and set the new station as Event Owner.

Option – Use of UDP Groups

When several stations are going to have the same event action programming, they can share the same event programming by using UDP groups. The stations must be included in a UDP (User Defined Property) group, and the UDP group is set as Owner of the event. In this way the total number of events are reduced. <br\><br\> In general there are 8 UDP groups in AlphaCom. By default all stations are included in UDP group 8. To include a station in an UDP group, press the Users & Stations button from the AlphaPro main menu. Select the station from the list box, and press the UDP button. Include the station by ticking one or more of the check boxes. You can assign an appropriate text to the UDP group by pressing the UDP Text button.

Simplex Conversation Option – Use of UDP Groups.jpg

A UDP group is set as Owner of an event by selecting Exchange & System -> Events - > “+”. Now change the “Owner Type” to Station w. UDP. The ID field specifies which UDP group.