
ICX-AlphaCom Core in VirtualBox

From Zenitel Wiki

Icx icon.png

This article describes how to install ICX-Core in a VirtualBox environment.


Note icon The virtual machine must have an internet connection and valid DNS server during the installation process


After downloading and installing VirtualBox, run the software and create the virtual machine by clicking "New":

ICX VB1.png

Give your machine a name, set Type = Linux, and set Version = Ubuntu:

ICX VB2.png

The memory must be at least 1GB:

ICX VB3.png

Create the virtual HDD:

ICX VB4.png

Select the HDD type:

ICX VB5.png

Physical HDD storage:

ICX VB6.png

The HDD must be minimum 15GB:

ICX VB7.png

After the creation of the virtual machine is finished, select and set some Settings before starting:

ICX VB8.png

In Storage, browse for the OS .iso file (Ubuntu 22.04.x LTS Server) and mount it:

ICX VB9.png

Set up the Network connection:

  • Choose Bridged Adapter, and select which interface to use for the ICX-Core
ICX VB10.png

Now Start the machine:

ICX VB11.png


The Ubuntu installation will automatically launch after Start in the previous section. Choose your language:

ICX VB12.png

Define your keyboard:

ICX VB13.png

Confirm the network adapter:

ICX VB14.png

Enter Proxy if needed:

ICX VB15.png

Confirm mirror:

ICX VB16.png


ICX VB17.png

Select HDD:

ICX VB18.png

Confirm partition:

ICX VB19.png

Confirm installation:

ICX VB20.png

Enter profile and credentials. VERY important to not forget this. Write it down!:

ICX VB21.png

Note icon The selected Username will also name the host folder for the ICX-Core

Select Install OpenSSH server:

ICX VB22.png


ICX VB23.png

The installation is now running:

ICX VB24.png

Installation complete! Hit Enter key to reboot:

ICX VB25.png

The virtual machine reboots and starts up with Ubuntu running in terminal mode.


Log in with the username and password defined earlier. Use command "ip a" to see the IP address that the virtual machine has:

ICX VB26.png

Connect to the virtual machine with WinSCP ...

ICX VB27.png

... and copy the ICX-Core installation file from your computer to the virtual machine:

ICX VB28.png

Note icon the target folder must be /home/[Username]/

Close WinSCP.

Install ICX-Core using the command (case sensitive):

sudo tar -xf ICX-Core-01.00-jammy- --to-command /bin/sh

Where ICX-Core-01.00-bionic- is the ICX-Core file name.

ICX VB29.png

After installation, you can access the ICX Web from any PC in the network by using the IP address of the virtual machine.

ICX VB30.png