
Defragment Action Strings Table

From Zenitel Wiki


The Action String table is divided into 2000 strings of 16 characters each. When AlphaPro tries to save an Event Handler Action String, it looks for a continuous free space that is large enough to save the whole string. So even if the Action String table have enough free strings, it might not have enough continuous space to save the Event Handler string. This is the background for creating a "defragment" function for the Action Strings Table.

The idea is to create a temporary table of the same structure as the Action String table and then fill it continuously with data from the original table. When all Action Strings is read and inserted into the temporary table it should have no fragmentation. The original table can then be deleted and replaced by the temporary table. Also, when Action Strings are relocated, the reference in the EVCONFIG.DBF table have to be updated with the new starting position for the Action String.