
Delayed Reporting of Line Errors

From Zenitel Wiki


By default station errors are reported more or less instantly when the ICX-AlphaCom server looses communication with an IP Station, or if there is an error on the analog ASLT station line (AlphaCom only).

Sometimes it could be convenient to delay the reporting, for example if there is maintenance work in the IP network, re-patching of cables etc.

This article describes how to disable the default reporting, and how to use customized error reporting using the Event Handler instead.

Disable default Line Error reporting

Disable reporting to station

Station errors are by default sent to station on physical number 1. From AlphaPro one can disable this reporting.

Go to the Exchange & System > RCI > Faults window, select Fault Line > Change, and delete the MST command in the ON Action field.

The Exchange & System > RCI > Faults window

Disable reporting to System Log

Station errors are by default sent to the System log. From AlphaPro one can disable this reporting.

Go to the Exchange & System > System > Logs and Errors window. Under "System Log", uncheck Line Error.

The Exchange & System > System > Logs and Errors window

Configure Station Error reporting in Event Handler

Station errors are reported in the Event Handler as Event 13 - Faulty Station Line.

When a station error is detected by ICX-AlphaCom, the event 13 goes ON. A timer can then be started. When the station error goes away, the event 13 goes OFF, and the timer is stopped. If the error is not OK within the preset time, the timer will time out, and event 21 - Event Timeout will be triggered. This event is used to generate the error reports.

Start (and stop) a 60.0 second timer when Station error is detected

Action commands:

$ST L%1.dir W%chg(600,0) L9966

600 means 60.0 seconds delay. Change this value according to the requirements.

Send error message to station and to System Log:

Send message to station 101, and to System Log if error is not OK within the preset time

Action commands:

$STM L%1.dir L101 U103 'Error: %1.dir'
LOG "Station Error: %1.dir %1.nam"

  • L101 = Station to receive the error report
  • U103 = Priority level of the message