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(Functional changes:)
(Functional changes:)
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A new Ringmaster node type is available when defining a new node. Like the SIP node type, it has to be assigned to an existing AlphaCom E node. In the AlphaNet routing window there is available a RMD Link type to be used for setting routing to the Ringmaster node.<br\>
A new Ringmaster node type is available when defining a new node. Like the SIP node type, it has to be assigned to an existing AlphaCom E node. In the AlphaNet routing window there is available a RMD Link type to be used for setting routing to the Ringmaster node.<br\>
'''New Features:'''
'''New Features:'''<br\>
Feature 106, Private break-in<br\>
Feature 106, Private break-in<br\>
This feature is not available in the ‘Directory & Features’ window. It is only available as a feature in the ‘Class of Service’ window. By default it is included as a valid feature in COS 16, SuperUser.<br\>
This feature is not available in the ‘Directory & Features’ window. It is only available as a feature in the ‘Class of Service’ window. By default it is included as a valid feature in COS 16, SuperUser.<br\>

Revision as of 09:55, 9 July 2007

Software in production: AlphaPro 10.24<br\> Software released date: 2007-04-12<br\> NOTE: AlphaPro requires Windows 2000 or XP to run.<br\><br\>

AlphaPro Versions


AlphaPro 10.25 (2007-06-15)

Run InstallAlphaPro.exe from the installation set. 
The installation can be used as an upgrade of v10.0.1 of AlphaPro (installed on top of old version).

Functional changes

Automatic reconnect: By right-clicking on the communication button in AlphaPro, there will be a menu with two options: Logout and Automatic reconnect. The Logout option will be disabled if not logged in yet. The Automatic reconnect function has an on/off state that is visualized with a check-mark to the left of the menu option. When turned on and the TCP connection to the AMC is broken, AlphaPro will try to reconnect and log in to the node again.<br\><br\>

New fields: In Exchange|System:<br\> .ex_profile.glob_const.priv_ring_mail_pri<br\> .ex_profile.glob_const.bc_event_node<br\> .ex_profile.glob_const.max_off_hook_delay<br\> .ex_profile.timeouts.dig_col_timeout<br\> .ex_profile.timeouts.sip_dial_dly<br\> .ex_profile.flags.use_IP_ICC<br\> .ex_profile.flags.DSP_duplex<br\> .ex_profile.flags.private_ringing_SIP<br\> .ex_profile.flags.prog_feed_in_master<br\> .ex_profile.ip_config.mcast_addr_base<br\> .ex_profile.ip_config.mcast_net_rly[5].net_addr<br\> .ex_profile.ip_config.mcast_net_rly[5].net_mask<br\><br\>

Errors corrected

3192: Hebrew problem on station display:<br\> Correction in wacs to handle 4 byte boolean variable in AMC 10.<br\>

3190: Event action - radio button:<br\> When you add a new event from the Users & Stations window, neither of the two radio buttons for Action Command or RCO is activated. So when you enter your actions strings and press OK the action commands are not saved. When entering Events from Exchange & System it is OK. Corrected.<br\>

2839: RCI - Faults:<br\> Programmed information on RCI 140 (amongst other programming) + SendChg. Then GetAll. In the RCI | Faults window the programming of RCI 140 appears in the disabled fields (OFF action, Device number, Pin number, Delay) of the Faulty station/board/device/AGA. Corrected.<br\>

3194: SIP Registrar on eth1 not OK:<br\> Using SIP Registrar on eth1 would not work. Corrected.<br\>

3199: Inser new event, subevent:<br\> When inserting a new event the subevent field must be cleared (set to 0). When inserting a new event the same subevent number as from the last highlighted event is used. If this subevent was different from 0 the new event might not work. Corrected<br\>

3200: Event - Edit action command:<br\> When editing the action command of an existing event, the button OK and Cancel doesn't become active. You must place the cursor in another field first. Corrected.<br\>

3189: Event is changed when owner is:<br\> When owner is changed in event handler from station to UDP or visa versa the event part is reset. That is event type will be 01 - Audio, when change to will be ON or OFF and any related to information is deleted. Corrected.<br\>

3186: Transfer configuration to AMC:<br\> Speed improvement when transferring data to AMC (SendChg).<br\>

3207: Convertion of AMC9 databases:<br\> A database from 9.23 is converted in 10.25. Then I set the node type to be AlphaCom E. The IP address is not saved after pressing OK. Corrected.<br\>

3212: AlphaPro can't start after del network:<br\> Corrected.<br\>

3204: Deleting the only node -> AP closes:<br\> AlphaPro closes when deleting the one and only node in a network. Corrected.<br\>

3222: Crash when defining groups:<br\> When adding many stations (>100) into groups, AlphaPro will eventually crash. Corrected.<br\>

3221: AlphaPro can't get/set IP address:<br\> After a GetAll the IP address is on all nodes except the connected node it self. All remote nodes and SIP nodes have IP When trying to edit an IP address, the information is not stored. Corrected.<br\>

2859: Wacs not restored:<br\> Corrected by implementing the 'Automatic reconnect' function (see Automatic reconnect).<br\>

Unregistered bugfixes:<br\> New text for event trigger 31 and 32:<br\> Event 31: FEAT_M_KEY<br\> Event 32: FEAT_OFF_HOOK<br\><br\>

Updated MDF files:<br\> Related to Issue 2952 (AMC, dual display) a new line is added to the default MDF files:<br\>

% Parameter: 1 - dialled
"Dial Mail#clr"
" message: $dno:1#clr"
"#pos(6,1)#clr"   <-- New line

Known bugs/workarounds:<br\> None as of now.<br\><br\>

AlphaPro 10.24 (2007-04-12)

Run InstallAlphaPro.exe from the installation set.
The installation can be used as an upgrade of v10.0.1 of AlphaPro (installed on top of old version).

Functional changes:

IP Station: In the ‘Users&Stations’ window there is now a ‘IP station’ checkbox. When checked, fields for MAC address, Codec and RTP Packet size is displayed.<br\>

Ringmaster Node: A new Ringmaster node type is available when defining a new node. Like the SIP node type, it has to be assigned to an existing AlphaCom E node. In the AlphaNet routing window there is available a RMD Link type to be used for setting routing to the Ringmaster node.<br\>

New Features:<br\> Feature 106, Private break-in<br\> This feature is not available in the ‘Directory & Features’ window. It is only available as a feature in the ‘Class of Service’ window. By default it is included as a valid feature in COS 16, SuperUser.<br\> Feature 107, DTMF during connection<br\> Available from the ‘Directory & Features’ and ‘Class of Service’ windows.<br\><br\>

Copy, Paste, Move, Swap<br\> Implemeted the Copy, Paste, Move, Swap functions in the ‘User & Stations’ window.<br\><br\>

Errors corrected:

2840: Board Use table:<br\> The Board use table contains records for 24 boards, but after a GetAll there are records for 26 boards. Corrected.<br\>

3017: Name list:<br\> After AMC autoload dirno's 9542 - 9545 are in the name list (614). After SendAll of a new database in AlphaPro 10.0.0 number 7980 are also in the name list. Corrected.<br\>

3155: SIP trunk in converted database:<br\> After converting a AP9.x database to AP 10.x format, the 'SIP Link' data link type (NetRouting) was missing. Corrected.<br\>

3047: Delete Network/Exchange:<br\> If you in Networks -> Browse Networks select a network, then select a node in the network and Delete, you get an error message and AlphaPro crashes. The whole network is deleted, not only the node! Corrected.<br\>

3071: Related to UDP /AlphaNet:<br\> Now the Node is stored, but not the UDP number in the 'Related to' field. The value becomes '0' after saving. Corrected.<br\>

2974: AlphaNet Cluster node:<br\> When you create a new exchange one of the options for exchange type is 'AlphaNet Cluster'. This option is never used, so it is removed. Also the option 'Unknown'is removed.<br\>

3079: Definition of a SIP node in AlphaPro:<br\> When defining a new network in AlphaPro, automatically a new (first) exchange must be defined. 'SIP node' should not be a possible selection at this point, as there is no AlphaCom node number to relate it to. Corrected. See also Issue 2974.<br\>

3162: Not storing IP address:<br\> When you create a new exchange and uncheck the 'AlphaNet:Adm here' flag, the IP address entered in ethernet 1 is not stored. When you go to 'Exchange & System' the IP address is ''. Corrected.<br\>

3153: SIP Registrar on Eth1:<br\> The IP address of a SIP registrar can not be defined, AlphaPro use the defined Eth0 IP address. Corrected by giving the user a choice to select Eth0 or Eth1 IP address when defining a SIP registrar.<br\>

3139: GetAll - SIP nodes not included:<br\> Create a database with one AlphaCom exchange, one SIP registar and one SIP Trunk node. SendAll. Create a new database with one AlphaCom node only. After a GetAll, the SIP nodes are missing. Corrected.<br\>

3168: Event, 'When related to':<br\> The following events do not use "Related To". To prevent confusion the "When Related To" should be disabled when these event types are selected:<br\> Audio - 01 Automatic lock - 03 Station in use - 04 Microphone open - 05 Faulty station line - 13 Priority mail present - 06 Priority mail in idle - 12 EDI Text - 28 System Status - 27 AlphaNet Link - 29 Corrected.<br\>

3133: Wrong database path:<br\> After installation and startup the databases in AlphaPro 10.03 is available. New databases added in 10.04 is available in 10.03. I have installed AP 10.2.2 pre-release, and I have also AlphaPro 10.04 installed in a different folder. When I change the database path in 10.0.4 the same change applies also in 10.2.2! And vice versa. Seems like the two installations are using a common setting in some way. Corrected.<br\>

3166: Event owner becomes EDI:<br\> When an event is modified sometimes the owner of the first event in the list box is changed to EDI. (This has happened several times during training, but is hard to reproduce the error...). Corrected.<br\>

3181: AlphaPro crashes on 'Assign DAK's':<br\> AlphaPro crashes when the "Assign DAK's" button in Local Groups is used on two (or three?) different groups after one another. Corrected.<br\>

3146: Insert new number:<br\> In Alphapro 10.04 if you enter a number and make it 83/xx save it and appears correctly in the table, if you then select "insert" and try to add another number 83/xx it saves it and the right side screen looks ok but it has actually saved the number as a feature 200 (end of table feature). Corrected.<br\>

3137: Delete blocks of dirno:<br\> From the Dir No / Features table I select feature 9/4 then go to feature 9/552 using the shift key select all these numbers, then delete. This works fine on the first couple of nodes then this error appears, it maybe the third node or the fifth node. Corrected.<br\>

3177: When related to > 4 digits:<br\> Only the 4 first digits in the "Related to" field was read by wacs. SendAll/SendChg seems to be OK. There might be and error in AMC on this Issue. Corrected.<br\>

3138: Warning when Send or GetAll:<br\> There was given a warning when doing Send or GetAll to AMC 10.0x. Corrected.<br\>

3185: GetAll - IP addresses:<br\> GetAll would not read IP addresses from all nodes in an AlphaNet. Corrected.<br\>

Known bugs/workarounds:<br\> 2985: Corrupted DMP file<br\> If you press "Cancel" while WACS is "Reading NVRAM dictionary, please wait..." the .dmp file is corrupted in some way, and you cannot communicate with the exchange any longer. The dmp file has be deleted. When using AlphaPro via serial port this reading process takes quite some time, and this can easily happen.<br\>

3003: DNS Host names<br\> AlphaPro dont support entering DNS host names for e.g. SIP proxies, only IP addresses.<br\>