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Revision as of 11:18, 17 July 2007 by Wolferey (talk)
CONN_REQUEST 0x000A 10 AMC 05.00
$CONN L101 L102
Set up an conversation between users. Priority setup: Open call only, no camp­on busy. <BR\><BR\> - The <reference> field in the message header will be stored in the exchange for the duration of the conversation, and will be used in related disconnect messages. This means that the external application can monitor the conversation using an unique <internal reference>, much like the exchange uses the <connection reference>.<BR\><BR\>From AMC 07.60: Supported across AlphaNet - A and B users can be in different nodes.<BR\>

The message should preferably be addressed (net layer) to the exchange where the A user is located, but if it’s sent to the local exchange it will be routed based on the A user info given in parameter 1<BR\>(either as explicit node number L(2)101, or as a global number L9501 which points to node 2)<BR\><BR\> Note: Does not work well with ATLB (telephones), as it bypasses private ringing!

1 NET_OBJ_REF<br\>{ECL_USER} The calling (A) user. The user must have an associated station.
2 NET_OBJ_REF <br\>{ECL_USER}, The called (B) user. The user must have an associated station
3 UINT1<br\>(optional from 07.60) Call Priority against A station (and B if no parameter 4): <br\>1 = Override absent and private. Default behavior.<br\>2 = Also override busy.
4 UINT1<BR\>(optional) Call Priority against B station:<br\>

1 = Override absent and private. Default behavior.<br\> 2 = Also override busy.<br\> Not specified: same priority as specified for A-station.

AMC 07.30
5 UINT1<br\>(optional) Require acknowledges:<br\>1 = Require acknowledge to setup and disconnection (default if parm 3). (CONN_REF_ACK, DISCONNECTED_ACK) <br\>

2 = Do not require acknowledges. (default if parm 3 missing)<br\> Option added so that the command can be used as Event Handler Action.


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