
Import Users and Stations from .csv file

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Revision as of 10:12, 15 September 2014 by Asle (talk) (File format from AlphaPro version
Import Users and Stations from .csv
Import window

As from AlphaPro version a feature for importing data from a .csv file was added. The function was extended with more fields in version and in version

The Import function is available from the Main Menu in AlphaPro.

  • The .csv file must use ";" (semicolon) as field delimiter. The first line in the file must have data, do not use it for header information (list of field names)
  • The .csv data is imported into the currently selected Node. NOTE: All groups are 'emptied' before the Import function starts.

File format from AlphaPro version

<directory number>;<id number>;<groups>;<group access level>;<cos>;<display text>;<udp groups>;<exp parameter>;;<mail in idle>;<global>;<ccoip>;<dak>;<station type> Where:

  • <groups> can now contain a list of groups separated by comma: ..;1,2,30;..
  • <udp groups> can contain a list of udp groups separated by comma: ..;1,8;..
  • <always private>, <mail in idle>, <global> and <ccoip> is either 0 or 1 for respectively unchecked and checked
  • <dak> is a list of DAK key strings separated by comma: ..;1:I60,2:I640;..
  • Each DAK key string is prefixed by DAK key number, so that the example above will result in the DAK key string I60 being programmed to DAK key 1 and I640 being programmed to DAK key 2. To delete existing DAK keys, use ..;9:,10:;... Here DAK keys 9 and 10 will be deleted.
  • <station type> indicates station type, where
    • 0 (or missing) = Master Station
    • 1 = Sub Station
    • 2 = PNCI
    • 3 = CRM
    • 4 = Display Station
    • 5 = Dual Display
    • 6 = Custom 2

If the <global> field is 1, the <directory number> will be added as a feature 83 number with the <id number> as node number. If the <global> field is 0 (or empty), the <directory number> will be added as a feature 9 number with the <id number> as physical number. If a global number is added, only <directory number>, <id number> and <display text> are used. All other fields are ignored.

If the <ccoip> field is 1, the station with physical number = <id number> will be set to be an CCoIP station. If the field is 0 (or empty) the station will keep the CCoIP setting it had before the import process.

File format from AlphaPro version

<directory number>;<id number>;<groups>;<group access level>;<cos>;<display text>;<udp groups>;<exp parameter>;;<mail in idle>;<global>;<ccoip> 


  • <groups> can now contain a list of groups separated by comma: ..;1,2,30;..
  • <group access level> can have these values: 0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High
  • <udp groups> can contain a list of udp groups separated by comma: ..;1,8;..
  • <always private>, <mail in idle>, <global> and <ccoip> is either 0 or 1 for respectively unchecked and checked

If the <global> field is 1, the <directory number> will be added as a feature 83 number with the <id number> as node number. If the <global> field is 0 (or empty), the <directory number> will be added as a feature 9 number with the <id number> as physical number. If a global number is added, only <directory number>, <id number> and <display text> are used. All other fields are ignored.

If the <ccoip> field is 1, the station with physical number = <id number> will be set to be an CCoIP station. If the field is 0 (or empty) the station will keep the CCoIP setting it had before the import process.

File format in AlphaPro version

<directory number>;<physical number>;<group>;<group access level>;<cos>;<display text>


104;4;1;0;1;Station 4