
Emergency group call with acknowledge

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Revision as of 17:01, 6 August 2009 by Asle (talk) (Event Handler programming)


A special group of stations receives emergency broadcast from a CRMIV or CRMV station. The members can be located in different nodes in AlphaNet. When the CRM station activates the emergency call, the corresponding LED's in the DAK module gives a red slow blinking. At the same time a display message is transmitted to the members.

There is an acknowledge code to dial from the stations in the special group to tell the CRM that the member has acknowledged the emergency call. When the code is dialled the LED indication will change to steady green, and the display message will be cleared from that station. For those stations who don't acknowledge the call, the display message will remain in the station to indicate that the emergency call has been active while they were away.

A "Clear" code dialled on the CRM station will turn off all LED indications on the CRM, and remove the display information from all member stations.


Let us say that the members of the special group are:

  • Node 1: Stations 101, 104, 105 and 106
  • Node 2: Stations 201, 202 and 250
  • Node 3: 401, 402 and 450
  • The CRM directory number is 500. The station numbers above must be assigned to DAK keys on the CRM station.
  • Include the stations in the local group 20 in each exchange, and include the local group 20 in global group 20. Assign a directory number to the global group 20, say 9020. The CRM station can now dial 9020 to do the emergency broadcast.

Event Handler programming

Most of the functionality is configured from the Event Handler in AlphaPro. Go to Exchange & System, select the button Events. Insert an event as described below.

Emergency broadcast activation

When the CRM dials global group 9020, turn on red LED in the required DAK keys, and send mail to stations in group 20 in each node 1, 2 and 3. The mail has priority 119, and the text 'Emergency' will be displayed.

CRM IV LED callreq in.jpg
Event Owner: The CRM IV station
Event type: 08 - Conversation Outgoing
Subevent: N/A
When change to: ON
When related to: Directory number, Id. 9020
Action: IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I101) 1 2 ON

IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I104) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I105) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I106) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I201) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I202) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I250) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I401) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I402) 1 2 ON
IND %1.phy %1.DAK(I450) 1 2 ON
@U1 $SM %1.ref NG20 U119 NM17 GV U0 'Emergency' U0
@U2 $SM %1.ref NG20 U119 NM17 GV U0 'Emergency' U0
@U3 $SM %1.ref NG20 U119 NM17 GV U0 'Emergency' U0

This will turn on the red led, flashing fast, in the assosiated DAK key when a Call Request is received.

Outgoing Conversation

CRM IV LED conversation out.jpg
Event Owner: The CRM IV station
Event type: 08 - Conversation - Outgoing
Subevent: N/A
When change to: ON or OFF
When related to: All
Action: IND %1.phy %1.dak(I%2.dir) 2 1

This will turn on the green led in the assosiated DAK key when an outgoing call is made.

Incoming Conversation

CRM IV LED conversation in.jpg

Insert a new event with the following parameters:

Event Owner: The CRM IV station
Event type: 07 - Conversation - Incoming
Subevent: N/A
When change to: ON or OFF
When related to: All
Action: IND %1.phy %1.dak(I%2.dir) 2 1

This will turn on the green led in the assosiated DAK key when an incoming call is received.


Priority Mail in Idle

CRM IV LED conversation in.jpg

Insert a new event with the following parameters:

Event Owner: The CRM IV station
Event type: 12 - Priority Mail in Idle
Subevent: N/A
When change to: ON or OFF
When related to: All
Action: IND %1.phy 1023 1 2

This will turn on the internal buzzer when a call request is received. The buzzer will be silent during conversartion.


Other applications

CRM IV: Indicate status of remote stations in AlphaNet