
Mobotix Hub - ICX-AlphaCom Integration

From Zenitel Wiki

Revision as of 09:55, 2 August 2023 by Thalvorsen (talk | contribs) (Introduction)


The Zenitel Cal Handler (ICX-AlphaCom) is a plugin that allows users to integrate Mobotix Hub with Zenitel intercom systems. In this guide, we'll walk you through the installation process and explain how to configure the plugin to work with your setup.

The interface between ICX-AlphaCom (or AlphaCom XE) and MOBOTIX HUB is through an integration module which is available on the Downloads page of Zenitel Wiki.

This integration requires a Zenitel desktop station or SoftClient to be associated with each MOBOTIX HUB Client, as SIP audio is routed through ICX-AlphaCom.

This article assumes that the reader is:

familiar with setup and operation of MOBOTIX HUB that MOBOTIX HUB is operational, with all to the system connected cameras configured that ICX-AlphaCom is operational, with all the system connected intercom devices and SoftClients configured Only points which are specific to this integration and to connected intercom stations/SoftClients and IP speakers are described.


  1. Download the zip file containing the plugin from the Zenitel website.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file to a location of your choice.
  3. Run the setup file (the MSI or the EXE, depending on your system).
  4. When prompted for the installation location, select the Mobotix/MIP installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Mobotix\MIP).
  5. Click "Finish" to complete the installation.


Basic plugin configuration

  1. Open the XProtect Smart Client.
  2. Open the "Configuration" window by clicking the "Configuration" Icon button in the toolbar.
  3. In the "Configuration" window enter the IP address and port number of your Zenitel intercom system in the "IP Address" and "Port" fields, respectively.
  4. Click the "Connect" button and wait for the system to retrieve the list of available devices.
  5. Select the operator's device by choosing its directory number from the drop-down list.

Animation of the Zenitel Cal Handler configuration process

Associating cameras with devices

  1. Open the camera settings window.
  2. On the left side, there will be a list of devices registered with ICX-AlphaCom. On the right side, there will be a list of cameras registered within the XProtect system.
  3. Click on a device in the left list to select it.
  4. Click on an item in the right list to preview the video feed from that camera.
  5. To associate a camera with a selected device, click on the checkbox next to the camera's name.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 to associate additional cameras with the selected device.
  7. Once satisfied with the configuration, close the camera settings window.
  8. Click "Save and Close" on the configuration window to save the changes.

Screenshot of the camera assosiation process

Using the Call Handler

The Zenitel Cal Handler (ICX-AlphaCom) plugin can be used for two scenarios: initiating calls and reacting to inbound calls.

Initiating Calls

In XProtect Smart Client on the Zenitel Audio tab select a device you wish to call and click on the green "Answer/Call" button.
A popup window will be displayed showing the active call, along with a video preview from an associated camera.

Screenshot of popup window displaying the active call and associated camera

Answering queued Calls

  1. When an inbound call is received, a popup window will be displayed showing the queued call, along with a video preview from an associated camera.
  2. To answer the call, click the green "Answer/Call" button.
  3. If there is an active call, the Call Handler will automatically hang up the active call and answer the inbound call.
  4. If there are multiple queued calls, they will be displayed in order of priority. To answer a specific queued call, simply click on the green "Answer/Call" button.

Screenshot of popup window displaying the active call and his associated camera with two queued calls

Using the Popup Window

  • The popup window displays the active call (if it was initiated by the operator) or a list of queued calls, along with a video preview from an associated camera.
  • The popup window will display the camera feed from the first associated camera of the active call (if present) or if there are no active calls, the first queued device-associated camera will be displayed.
  • To manually switch the camera video feed to any active or queued device, select the desired device from the dropdown list in the popup window.
  • To hang up the active call, click the red "Hang-Up" button.
  • To answer a queued call, click the green "Answer/Call" button.
  • If there are multiple queued calls, they will be displayed in order of priority. To answer a specific queued call, select it from the dropdown list in the popup window.

Previous versions

For configuration of previous versions of the plugin go to: