
Logging (VS-Operator)

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Revision as of 11:48, 8 November 2023 by Asle (talk | contribs)

This article shows how to configure the logging feature in the VS-Operator.

In the VSOP Client, select Filter sets, and Add a filter set for Station, and in the Caption field assign a descriptive name to the filter set, e.g. "Journal".

Information can be logged to the onscreen journal (Show) and to disk (Log):

Configuring Filter Set "Journal" for logging. Here "Call Received from <number> <name>" is logged when a call request is received

The text to send to the log is defined in the field Message text.

Here are some examples that can be used:

Event Text in "Message text" field Information Level Comment
On CallRequest Add Call received from %DIRA %ACAPTION Info Triggered when a Ringing Group call (or Call Request) is received
On CallRequest Remove Call from %DIRA %ACAPTION removed from queue Info Triggered when a call is removed from the call queue
OnConnect Conversation with %DIRB %BCAPTION Info Triggered when a conversation is established
OnDisconnect Conversation with %DIRB %BCAPTION ended Info Triggered when a conversation is terminated
OnError Device error at %DIRA %ACAPTION Alarm Triggered when a station or device is reported faulty
On Custom params Door Opening triggered at %DIRA %ACAPTION Warning Triggers on "custom parameter" send from ICX-AlphaCom when Door Opening is activated
On Custom word string <depends on the event> <depends on the event> Triggers on "custom parameter" including text parameters

Different icons will be used in the journal depending on the "Information level":

Alarm, Warning and Info icons

If there is a need to log Door Opening, some additional configuration is required in the ICX-AlphaCom. One have to add a "custom parameter" command in the Door Opening event. For each door opening event one need to add the following code:

Action commands:
IF %chg(1,0)
@*D1 M7F01 L(1)%1.dir U0 W0 W0 W0 W1 W1

Example of a Door Opening event:

Door Opening event in AlphaPro event handler

Finally all stations that should be logged (typically all stations except the operator station) needs to be assigned to the new Filter Set. This can be done in one operation. Select Selected object, and from the Device List select all stations using Shift + Click, then deselect the Operator station by Ctrl + Click. Now right-click and assign the new filter set to the stations:

Assigning the filter set "Journal" to stations

Now change the mode of operation to Operational, and verify that the Journal displays the correct information:

Output to the log when using the "Message text" and "Information Level" from examples in the table above

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