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Revision as of 11:02, 2 January 2024 by Roarl (talk | contribs) (Paramter 1)
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C2G (Connect to group) 0x00B0 176 AMC 11.02
$C2G L101 L84
Connect audio of group 84 to 101 (speaker of group 84)
C2G connect new members to existing group call (Software before only the speaker could be connected to a local group call).
1 NET_OBJ_REF Local station, Global number (station or group), local group or global group that should be included to the existing group call.

Station to receive the group audio (speaker only allowed for

2 NET_OBJ_REF Destination Local or Global group where the new members will be connected.
(Optional 11.03)
"owner" station reference for event 38-Group Dynamic Include event. Sent as response when including stations, sub events for faults. (Default LV = empty netref)
(Optional 11.03)
0:(Default) Connect to group, if already connected do nothing
1:Toggle station/group in/out of the group.
Response none

Parameter Notes

Parameter 1

The active group call will not be added extra nodes thus adding a global group to a local group will only result in including local stations from the global group to the active group. When adding a global group to another global group the message must be sent to all nodes involving the new members. Trick: Send the message as node broadcast.

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