
ENA2060 Amplifier - Speaker Line Monitoring

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Revision as of 13:42, 19 December 2019 by Gsorensen (talk | contribs)
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The ENA2060 amplifier has the option to monitor each speaker line to detect line faults such as Open, Shorted or Ground Fault.
To configure Speaker Line Monitoring:

  • Select Amplifier Settings > Line Control
Speaker Line Monitoring

This Monitoring page shows the current status for each speaker line and whether there are any System Messages reported.

After the speaker line is set up with all the speakers and the line is properly connected to the amplifier, the speaker line that is to be monitored must be calibrated.
When calibration is carried out, the amplifier makes an initial measurement of the speaker line to check whether the line load is within acceptable limits.
The calibration values are used as a reference and are compared with later speaker line measurements for any significant changes that will cause line fault reporting.
After the calibration, the speaker line load must not be changed, or else false fault messages may be reported.

SLM - Line

The SLM – Line status section shows the speaker line calibration status in the Calibrated column and the latest measured line values in the Measured column.
The various statuses are:

  • State: This shows the line’s calibrated state, i.e. calibrated, uncalibrated, ok, open, shorted or ground fault under the Calibrated column and the latest measured line state, i.e. unknown, ok, open, shorted or ground fault under the Measured column.
  • Voltage / Current / Ground Fault / Phase: These show the line’s measured calibration values under the Calibrated column and the latest measured values under the Measured column.
  • Timestamp: This shows the time when either the Calibrate or Reset Calibration button were clicked and the time when the last SLM measurement or any operation that affects the line measurement values were executed.

The 3 buttons in this section have the following functions.

  • Calibrate: Click to start the speaker line calibration sequence. The Channel must be ON (Enable must be clicked) and a proper line load must be attached.
  • Measure: Click to start a manual SLM measurement. The line state must be calibrated as ok and Set Manual must be clicked.
  • Reset Calibration: Click to clear the calibrated state (state=uncalibrated) and remove any line fault related System Messages.

SLM Mode

  • Set Continuous: Click to monitor the speaker line once every xx minutes and report any fault detected.
  • Set Manual: Click to have an operator/technician manually execute an SLM operation by clicking the Measure button. The manual operation may take up to 15 seconds.

For either SLM mode used, the status and timestamp for the latest measurement will be shown in the Measured column and any faults will be visible in the System Messages section.
Any faults reported will be removed if subsequent SLM measurements result in an ok state or if the Reset Calibration button is clicked.


  • Disable: Click to switch OFF the amplifier output for that channel.
  • Enable: Click to switch ON the amplifier output for that channel.

To calibrate a speaker line:

  1. Click the Enable button to switch ON amplifier output
  2. Click either Set Continuous or Set Manual button
  3. Click the Calibrate button

Wait for the calibration state to be updated (approx. 5-10 seconds).
State will report either ok, open, shorted or ground fault.
If the state is ok the amplifier’s Speaker Line Monitoring (SLM) feature is ready to operate.
If the state is either open, shorted or ground fault, the line must be corrected and the calibration procedure must be repeated.

The four benchmarks for the evaluation of line state is Voltage, Current, Phase and Ground Fault.

The values measured on Voltage, Current and Phase will together provide an evaluation of the line state regarding whether it is Shorted, Open or OK.

Typical SLM values for a 100 m line with 15W speaker load, calibrated values and various Shorted, Open and Ground Fault situations are as follows:

Calibration OK Shorted @ENA Shorted @100M Open @ENA Open @100M Ground Fault
Voltage 985 403 403 780 1015 400..1500
Current 1045 1370 1365 435 1065 400..1500
Phase 1075 765 925 1545 975 400..1500
Ground Fault 405 405 405 405 405 1580