
INCA Hotline station Restore Factory Defaults

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Revision as of 12:48, 25 October 2016 by Roarl (talk)

It may be desired to reset an IP Hotline Station to its original settings if, for instance, the password for the web server is forgotten.

The defaults can be either be set to Static IP or Activated DHCP (when there are many new IP Substations in an installation).

Restore with Static IP

  1. While lifting the handset, power up the station.
  2. When the station LED starts blinking, replace the handset after exactly 2 blinks.
  3. Let the LED blink for exactly 2 more times, then lift the handset again.
  4. Keep the handset lifted until the LED blinks fast 2 times indicating a successful reset with static IP.
  5. Replace the handset and the station will restart with the factory default settings.
IP Hotline Station LED 2.PNG

Factory default values
Station Mode Pulse
Station IP address
AlphaCom IP address
Username* admin
Password* alphaadmin
* Software 01.06 and earlier: ADMIN/alphacom)

Restore with Activated DHCP

The DHCP option is available from software version 01.07.

  1. While lifting the handset, power up the station.
  2. When the station LED starts blinking, replace the handset after exactly 2 blinks.
  3. Let the LED blink for exactly 4 more times, then lift the handset again.
  4. Keep the handset lifted until the LED blinks fast 4 times indicating a successful reset with activated DHCP.
  5. Replace the handset and the station will restart with the factory default settings.
Factory default values
Station Mode Pulse
Station IP address determined by DHCP server
AlphaCom IP address
Username* admin
Password* alphaadmin
* Software 01.06 and earlier: ADMIN/alphacom)