
Program station volume feature

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Revision as of 09:45, 8 October 2019 by Nikica (talk | contribs)
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Feature: Set station volume
Default directory number: 783
Feature number: 38
Parameter 1: 0 (N/A)
Description: Set output level (0-9) on ASLT line board. Primarily to compensate for long wires. Dial: 783 + digit 0-9. Default level is 3.

The ASLT output level can also be set from the Users & Stations menu in AlphaPro. As from AMC ver. 11.2.3.x the relation between the 783 volume setting and AlphaPro setting is as follows:

          $VOL /
AlphaPro  783+n  IP-station  DIP  NVRAM
--------  -----  ----------  ---  -----
 -14        0       1         0    242
 -12                1              244    
 -10                1              246
  -8        1       2         4    248
  -6                2              250
  -4        2       3         9    252
  -2                3              254
   0        3       4        13      0
   2        4       4                2
   4        5       5        18      4
   6        6       5                6
   8        7       6        22      8
  10                6               10
  12        8       7        27     12
  14                7               14 
  16        9       8        31     16

Versions prior to AMC 11.2.3.x:

AlphaPro  783+n  IP-station
--------  -----  ----------
 -14        0        
 -12	            1
  -8        1       2
  -4        2       3
   0        3       4
   2        4        
   4        5       5
   6        6        
   8        7       6
  12        8       7
  16        9       8

Related AlphaCom Data Protocol message: VOL

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