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STATUS_REPORT 0x0072 114 AMC 07.30
Report equipment Presence and Error/OK status for Subscriber Lines, Audio Links, Devices, Boards, etc. Intended for remote logging and external monitoring systems.

As the message is very general, the message definition will be followed by a detailed example of how the different parameters are used for each “entity” type. Unused parameters/flags are always set to 0.

AlphaCom can be programmed to forward STATUS_REPORT messages to two addresses. See Exchange_&_System_(AlphaPro)#Logs_and_Errors, "System Log and Error Reports to".

Entity Reference to the Station / Inter­Exchange Link / ICC Audio Ring / Board / Device / Exchange the status message is for.
The entity number is a logical number, e.g. station from 1 to 552.
Physical address for the entity defined in parameter 1.
This is a hardware module/board/port type of information.
3 BITMAP[1..8] (Error) State Flags.
Bit 1 = Interface present:
Bit 2 = Interface test:
Bit 4 = Signaling test:
Bit 6 = Audio test:
Bit 7 = Device dependent test
Board present in exchange
Board reports entity missing/down
Last signaling test failed
Last audio (tone) test failed
4 BITMAP[1..8] (State) Change Flags.
Each bit is set if the corresponding state flag bit was changed from the previous report and cleared if it was unchanged.
5 BITMAP[1..8] Reporting Flags.
Bit 8 = VERBOSE. The report is from a manually/externally started test, where the user wants a complete report.
6 UINT1 Extra (Error) Status Information 1.
7 UINT1 Extra (Error) Status Information 2.
Entity Information field 1.
STATUS_REPORT for Stations:
1 NET_OBJ_REF Station from 1 to 552.
The Sub Class field specifies the type of station interface (TouchLine, Telephone).
Status info. can have different meaning for each Sub Class.
2 NET_OBJ_REF Physical address: Module/board/port.
The (Implicit Type) Resource Address format is used
3 BITMAP[1..8] (Error) State Flags.
Bit 1 = Interface present:
Bit 2 = Interface test:
Bit 6 = Audio test:
Bit 7 = Device dep. test:
---What is reported for Stations:---
ASLT/ATLB board missing
ASLT/ATLB wire monitoring
Tone Test
Handset Off-Hook timeout
(no active report)
(only failures)
(only changes)
(only failures)
5 BITMAP[1..8] Reporting Flags.
Bit 8 = VERBOSE.
Set by Tone Test started from station.
6 UINT1 Status information 1. Bits describing ab- and cd- wire errors
7 UINT1 Status information 2. TouchLine: Tone test signal/noise value.
Telephone: Wire monitor current.
8 NET_OBJ_REF Entity Information field 1 Directory Number.

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