
Voice Activity Detection (VAD)

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Revision as of 13:37, 16 November 2009 by Asle (talk) (User interface)

Voice Activity Detection (VAD) is a feature available for the IP Station range. Voice Activity Detection samples the peak amplitude detected at the microphone every 30 ms and converts it to dB. If the sampled amplitude is continously above a trigger amplitude for a set duration, then a DAK key is triggered.

User interface

Voice Activity Detection configuration page

The Voice Activity Detection configuration is done from the IP-station web interface at Advanced --> VAD. The following settings are possible to configure:

  • Minimum amplitude (dBA): Choose the trigger amplitude.
  • Minimum duration of audio (ms): Choose for how long the sampled amplitude must be above the "Trigger ampltiude" before triggering the DAK key.
  • DAK key to activate: Choose which DAK key to trigger.
  • Minimum time before reactivation (ms): Choose how long to wait before enabling VAD after triggering the DAK key.
  • Report DAK key off after (ms): With this parameter it is possible to delay sending DAK key off for some time.
  • VAD status: Choose whether to enable to disable VAD.

Software requirement

  • IP Station software or later.