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#REDIRECT [[Dynamic group call]]
=Dynamic Group Call=
Allow stations and groups to be added to an initiated group call before it is dispatched. Typically used by including participants from DAK keys.
Adding participants will generate "38-dynamic group include" event to the event handler for easy control of indicators. <br>
The participants will be toggled in/out of the group. <br>
The group call is dispatched by either pressing M or activating an event trigger feature 85. <br>
Other option for starting and changing the behavior of the group call:
*Selecting an "audio message feature 111", this will play the audio message out in the selected group. (Using the PA bitmap from the initiating dynamic group call)
*Selecting a "PA activation, one step feature 113", configured as ReCall, this will start ReCall in the group and use relevant PA-bitmap from the selected feature. (For example no-gong, auto dispatch etc.)
*Selecting a "PA activation, one step feature 113", configured as Message to group. This will start message playback and use relevant PA-bitmap from the selected feature. (For example no-gong, M-key control of the playback, endless repetitions)
In this way standard group call groups can be used for group selections, then having the option of using the selected group for ReCall, Message playback or regular group call.
The [[GROUP_MSG|PA control bitmap]] is added a new bit for dynamic group call. <br>
Some (most) features involving group call is now added the "PA_control_bitmap" as parameter to the feature.
Feature 113, parameter 2  (ReCall and Message to group)
Feature 84, parameter 2  (Global group call)
Feature 39, parameter 2 (Local Group Call)
When starting a group function with dynamic flag you can add to the group:
*local groups,
*global groups,
*local stations,
*global stations
It is allowed to add a local group to a global group. <br>
Adding global group to a local group will follow the restrictions of the original group thus only add global group members from own node.
Adding global number to a local group will not work due to the restrictions of the original group.
The inclusion will toggle so that when selecting the same group/station once more they/it will be removed.<br>
Each inclusion/exclusion will be sent to the event handler:
event:      38 - Dynamic Group Include
owner:      initiator station
related to:  "directory number of the group or station to include"
The event will be sent from the node where the inclusion is preformed.
The inclusion is "internally" managed with the [[CONN_2_GRP|$C2G]] message.
*When including local stations or groups the $C2G is sent to local node.
*When including a global number the $C2G is sent to the remote node related to the global number.
*When including a global group the $C2G is sent to all nodes included in the global group selected.(Could also be own node)
===Global Groups Restrictions===
Global groups or global stations can only be included if the original group setup included the node where the added new stations are located <br>
For maximum flexibility in an AlphaNet system the trick is to make all selectable groups global including all nodes with empty groups in nodes without members.
When adding other global groups there will be no restrictions.
*Node 1, global group 2 = local group 2, 2 members. Global group 3 = local group 3, 0 members.
*Node 2, global group 2 = local group 2, 0 members. Global group 3 = local group 3, 3 members.
Both global groups 2 and 3 are defined as dynamic group. <br>
If starting with global group 2 and selecting g-group 3 or starting with g-group 3 then selecting g-group 2 will give the same resulting group.
===Overlapping groups===
Configuring overlapping groups (groups with overlapping members) will give some "special" behavior. <br>
The system remembers from which group the members where added to the dynamic group, if added again from the same group it will toggle stations in/out, but if added from another group it will keep the stations in the group call but overwrite "from which group" the stations where added.
*Group 1 as all call, group 2 with 2 members.
#Start dynamic group with group 2,
#Then select group 1, the group 2 members will still be connected to the call since added from a different group.
#Select group 2 again, the group 2 stations will still be member of the call since the "from which group" was updated when selecting group 1.
#Select group 2 again, then the group 2 stations will be removed from the group since now the "from which group" match this selection.
The 38-dynamic group event will follow the current state, reporting ON for the 3 first selections above, then reporting OFF for the 4th selection. <br>
X = initiator station
===PA panel configuration===
When configuring a PA panel it is advisable to configure all inclusion as global groups in a multi node system or local group if a single node system.
Mixing stations and groups for inclusion will not give the option of "free start point" when initiating the call. (Starting with a station will make a call to the station).
In systems where stations are to be included, there should be one empty "start group" used for initiating the dynamic group call.
== More detailed behavior ==
When the dynamic group call is started:
*The group setup allocates resources and do all preparations until the "gong" is ready (Or test if gong should be used)
*Global groups connect related nodes.
*When including stations resources are allocated for the new stations and included in the group call.
*If the station(s) are busy the station is snatched only if the stations active group call has lower priority than the new.
=ReCall and Message Playback=
If during the dynamic group call selection a feature with type ReCall or Message are selected the group call will jump into ReCall or Message Playback in the group selected. <br>
*Start Global group 9002 with dynamic flag.
*Dial 9003 and 101 to add global group 9003 and station 101
*Dial 8181 for "customer message 1", this will activate the playback of the message in the selected groups.
== Event Dynamic Include ==
Owner: Initiator of group call.
related to: The station/group to include. (dirno)
Sub event
0 = ON:  Station/group is included to the group. (Will also be reported for the initial group)
    OFF: Station/group is toggled out of the group. (Will currently not be sent when disconnecting group, use sub event 10)
1 = ON:  Group/station snatched by initiator with higher call priority.
    OFF: ----Not used
2 = ON:  Station/group is busy
    OFF: ----Not used
3 = ON:  Station/group is not available, station down, wrong group programming (no stations in the group).???
    OFF: ----Not used
10= ON:  ----Not used
    OFF: Dynamic Group Call end (Used for general cleanup of indication)
Example event handler:
Owner:    udp 8
Event:    38
Sub event: 255
Releated:  to ALL
IF %op(%sev,=,0)
  IND %1.phy %1.dak(I%2.dir) 1 1
IF %op(%sev,=,10)
  $DIP L%1.dir "ind dak FFFF 0 0 1"
IF %op(%sev,=,1)
  $DTS L%1.dir 'Snatch %2.nam'
  IND %1.phy %1.dak(I%2.dir) 1 1 OFF
IF %op(%sev,=,2)
  $DTS L%1.dir 'Busy %2.nam'
IF %op(%sev,=,3)
  $DTS L%1.dir 'NotAvail %2.nam'

Latest revision as of 14:50, 22 December 2015

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