
INCA Station Restore Factory Defaults

From Zenitel Wiki

Revision as of 16:54, 17 March 2017 by Asle (talk)

The unit can be set to use either Static IP or DHCP. This procedure is applicable for the stations:

Kits require a push button to be connected between pins 1 and 4


  1. While pressing the call button, power up the station and keep the button pressed.
  2. Release the button after exactly 2 flashes of the LED.
  3. Let the LED flash for exactly 2 more times (Static IP) or exactly 4 more times (DHCP), then press the button again.
  4. Keep the button pressed until the LED flashes fast 2 times (Static IP) or flashes fast 4 times (DHCP) indicating a successful reset.
  5. Release the button and the station will restart with the factory default settings.

Factory default values:

  • Station Mode: Pulse
  • Station IP address: or DHCP
  • Username: admin
  • Password: alphaadmin

* Software 01.06 and earlier: Username/password isADMIN/alphacom