
AlphaCom supervision of protocol converter daemons

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Revision as of 16:46, 19 January 2017 by Perage (talk)
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The SIP and RM daemon (SIPD,RMD) are communicating with AMCD through local IP sockets using the Stentofon Simple Link Layer protocol

SIPD connected to ACDP port 31
RMD  connected to ACDP port 32 
  • Every 5 second the daemon send an idle frame to AMCD.
  • If no idle frame is received from the daemon within 30 second the daemon is terminated by AMCD using:
/opt/amc/script/rmd stop
/opt/amc/script/sipd stop
  • After 5 seconds the deamon is restarted by AMCD using:
/opt/amc/script/rmd start
/opt/amc/script/sipd start
  • If no new idle frame is received from the daemon within 30 second the stop/start procedure is repeated, this sequence will be repeated 5 times.

Example of Syslog AlphaLog report for this sequence:

W(204.65) INFO_DP_LINK_DOWN, no:337  "" P1: 31, P2: 150, P3: 0 DP link down, port 31  node 150 device 0
W(204.65) ERR_DAEMON, no:338  "SIPD start" P1: 31, P2: 0, P3: 1 
W(204.65) INFO_DP_IDLE_FRAME, no:339  "" P1: 31, P2: 150, P3: 0 Peer on ACDP port 31 is node 150 device 0