
INCA Station Restore Factory Defaults

From Zenitel Wiki


Applicable for stations


When loading factory defalt settings, the unit can be set to use either Static IP or DHCP.

Load Defaults without Display - 1.PNG
Load Defaults without Display - 2.PNG
  1. While pressing the call button, power up the station and keep the button pressed.
  2. Release the button after exactly 2 flashes of the LED.
  3. Let the LED flash for exactly 2 more times (Static IP) or exactly 4 more times (DHCP), then press the button again.
  4. Keep the button pressed until the LED flashes fast 2 times (Static IP) or flashes fast 4 times (DHCP) indicating a successful reset.
  5. Release the button and the station will restart with the factory default settings.

Factory default values

  • Station Mode: Pulse
  • Station IP address: (Static) or DHCP
  • Username: admin
  • Password: alphaadmin

Note icon Software 01.06 and earlier: Username/password is ADMIN/alphacom