
USB Hardware Key (Sentinel Dongle)

From Zenitel Wiki

The USB Hardware Key (Sentinel Dongle), item 1009291120

No driver

If you get an error message "SuperPro initialization failed" or "RNBOsproInitialize Status - 12" when starting AlphaPro, it means that the driver for the USB Hardware Key (Sentinel Dongle) is missing.

The driver is included with the AlphaPro software installation, but has to be installed separately. See How to install driver for the USB Hardware Key

The driver can also be downloaded separately from the "AlphaPro" section at the download site.

Wrong driver version

The "RNBOsproInitialize Status - 12" message can also mean you have a driver version of 7.6 or higher which doesn't work with Alphapro. Downgrading to 7.5 is necessary. However after uninstalling the 7.6 driver you must manually remove two registry keys that are not cleaned up by uninstalling. The keys to remove are:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Safenet Sentinel >SentinelProtectionServer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Rainbow Technologies > Sentinel System Driver

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