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Revision as of 16:31, 25 October 2007 by (talk)
O_DUPL_CONF 0x006F 111 AMC 07.20
$ODC L101 L8301
Include/exclude a station or a group into/from an Open Duplex Conference.
1 NET_OBJ_REF <br\> {ECL_USER,<br\> ECL_STATION,<br\> ECL_ST_GROUP} User, station or group.
2 NET_OBJ_REF<br\> {ECL_O_DUPL_CONF} The Open Duplex Conference.<br\>

- Null value means that the representation of the first parameter is excluded from the conference which it currently participates.

3 UINT1<br\>(optional) Call mode. Modus for use of function. <br\> 1 = Include/exclude according to parameter 2. (default)<br\>

2 = Toggle in or out of conference depending on current state

AMC 08.00
4 UINT1<br\>(optional) Priority to force station into conference if busy <br\> 0 = Low<br\>

1 = Medium<br\> 2 = High<br\> 3 = Alarm<br\> Default: The setup priority of the conference identified with parameter 2.

AMC 08.00
Response: COMMAND_RESPONSE <br\>

Parameter 3: Station individ (physical no) for station concerned.

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