TCIV - No video after upgrading to v. 4.11
From Zenitel Wiki
Problem: The video is not working after having upgraded the Turbine Video Station TCIV-x to firmware version 4.11. Audio is working fine.
Possible reason #1
Wrong video format. When TCIV is upgraded to 4.11, the video settings are defaultet.
TCIV using MJPG video must be reconfigured after upgrade to 4.11.x.x. Go into video settings and select HTTP MJPG as the second stream. Define port to 8090 and uncheck authentication.
Possible reason #2
In some TCIV stations produced in 2014 and 2015, the kernel version of the camera module is of an older version, and cannot be upgraded by the standard upgrade procedures. The upgrade will result in a non-operational camera module.
- Download latest Video Module Kernel file : File:Tciv kernel
- If you using third party TFTP server, extract downloaded file to TFTP root folder and start TFTP server.
- If you are using VS-IMT, extract downloaded file in any folder on your disk. Open VS-IMT and navigate to Tools > Station Rescue...
Select network interface that has route to your TCIV station and select folder containing Video Module Kernel upgrade file.
Click on Start Upgrade Service.
- Go back to StationWeb and navigate to Station Administration > Video Module Upgrade.
- Select Kernel upgrade.
- Set TFTP-server IP to be your PC IP (same network interface as in VS-IMT (!)).
- Set image name to be tciv_kernel_3422.img
- Press Start upgrade and wait until upgrade is finished (up to 3 minutes). Once upgrade is completed station will prompt you to perform reboot.
- You may reboot your station and close TFTP server (Stop Upgrade Service in VS-IMT).
- After station boots up you will have video camera module with working kernel.