

From Zenitel Wiki


%1.exp returns the User defined parameter as enterened in AlphaPro, Users & Stations -> UDP tab.

%2.exp is used to read the User Defined Parameter of the "Related-to" station. In AlphaNet this is supported when the station is in the local exchange where the event is executed.


UDP (User Defined Parameter) is configured in AlphaPro

Using the example above:

Expression   Returned value
----------   --------------
%1.exp     = 4321

Formating of the returned data is supported.

Note: The macro cannot be followed by a character a-z or A-Z. 
This will result in a syntax error. Either a space character must be used, 
or the macro must be followed by empty brackets () if space cannot be used.
Expression   Returned value
----------   --------------
%1.exp     = 4321
%1.exp Ma  = 4321 Ma
%1.exp()Ma = 4321Ma
%1.expMa   = <Syntax error>

Back to Event_Handler#List_of_context_parameters.