2-2c. CCTV with data (1) - Event Handler (solution)
From Zenitel Wiki
Call buttons:
- Pressing the call button at the Entrance or at the SOS Point should generate a Call Request (623 + 101) to the Control Room.
CCTV Control:
- When a Call Request (= mail) is received at the Control Room, the AlphaCom should send ASCII text on the EDO port 1 to the CCTV system, telling which camera to connect to which monitor.
- The EDO output should be "C1M1" when station 107 is calling, and "C2M1" when station 108 is calling.
When the Control Room receives Call Request (The Received Mail event goes ON), and the caller is station 107, send "C1M1" to the EDO port:
When the Control Room receives Call Request (The Received Mail event goes ON), and the caller is station 108, send "C2M1" to the EDO port:
- The AlphaCom should be set as a "TCP/IP Server", and TCP port number 4005 should be used for the communication (Hint: Remember to define the port in "Filters" setting).
In Exchange & System > Serial Ports, set the EDIO 1 port as TCP/IP Server, using port 4005:
In AlphaWeb, Filters settings, define TCP port 4005:
In AlphaWeb, Filters settings, enable the TCP port 4005 on relevant ethernet port:
- Use the software "PuTTY" to verify that the correct data is being transmitted from the AlphaCom (In PuTTY use the Connection type = "Raw").
In PuTTY, enter the IP address of the AlphaCom, port number 4005, and Connection type = "Raw":
In PuTTY, verify that the correct data is beinfg transmitted when a Call Request is made from station 107 or from station 108: