
Monitoring: Pocket Paging Ports

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Send message to log and to station 1 reporting communication status with Ascom Tatetco Pocket Pager system:

Example 1: Send communication status change for connection to Ascom Tateco Pocket Pager system System log

Action commands:

LOG "Communication with ASCOM TATECO Pocket Paging System %chg(UP,DOWN)"
MST 1 0 "Ascom %chg(UP,DOWN)"

Send message to log and to station 1 reporting communication status with Ericsson Pocket Pager system:

Example 2: Send communication status change for connection to Ericsson Pocket Pager system System log

4 Action commands:

LOG "Communication with ERICSSON Pocket Paging System %chg(UP,DOWN)"
MST 1 0 "Ericsson %chg(UP,DOWN)"

Send message to log and to station 1 reporting communication status with Multitone Pocket Pager system:'

Example 3: Send communication status change for connection to Multitone Pocket Pager system System log

Action commands:

LOG "Communication with MULTITONE Pocket Paging System %chg(UP,DOWN)"
MST 1 0 "Multitone %chg(UP,DOWN)"

Send message to log and to station 1 reporting communication status with a Fire Input system:

Example 4: Send communication status change for connection to FIRE system System log

Action commands:

LOG "Communication with FIRE System %chg(UP,DOWN)"
MST 1 0 "Fire System %chg(UP,DOWN)"