
Program Source

From Zenitel Wiki

Feature: Source program audio from station (From
Default directory number: 6801-6812
Feature number: 118
Parameter 1 (ID): Program number

Program number to source audio. 1-38. The program must not have any program hardware connected/configured. (AGA/ASLT).
I.e. it is not possible to source program 1-8 for the XE20/26 exchanges since APC will already be sourcing the programs.

Parameter 2: Group number , Default 0

Setup program <param 1> to group <param2> 1->38
Default 0 = no program to group setup.

Parameter 3: Codec Selection ( , Default 0

Force Codec usage of program, if not all stations support the codec, then use default
Default 0 = use default codec (G722).
1 : G711u (obsolete)
2 : G711a (obsolete)
3 : G722 (obsolete)
4 : PCM 16bits x 16khz sampling (Not supported)
5 : G.729a (disabled b/c of missing license from patent holders).
6 : G711u telecom level
7 : G711a telecom level
8 : G722 telecom level
9 : PCM 16bits x 32Khz sampling (Not supported)
10: PCM 16bits x 48Khz sampling

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