
Recording Event (Event Type)

From Zenitel Wiki


Event description

Event Owner: Station initiating the recording feature.
Event type: 40 - Recording Info
Subevent: Information type, see list below
When change to ON: When state is reported.
When change to OFF: Only for sub event 0 when recording ends.
When related to: Participant of the recording session. (B station, group call etc.)

Regarding the Event Owner:

  • The owner of the event is the A-station in a conversation, or the initiator of a group call.
  • For Simplex conference, station "1" is always the owner. "Related To" is the conference directory number, e.g. "8201".

Additional information

  • Sub-event 0: ON = Recording "process" starts. OFF = Recording "process" stops. (This does not mean that the actual recording is taking place. For "recording on demand" the ON event will trigger when conversation starts, sub event 1 or 2 will trigger when or if $REC start the recording.)
  • Sub-event 1: ON = The Recorder "1" reply "OK" to recording audio session. (This means the "physical" recording starts)
  • Sub-event 2: ON = The Recorder "2" reply "OK" to recording audio session. (This means the "physical" recording starts)
  • Sub-event 10: ON = No response from any of the recorders, this means the recording is failing at start up.
  • Sub-event 11: ON = Recorder terminated the recording session before the "audio" recording session was ended at the ICX-AlphaCom side.
  • Sub-event 20: ON = SIP registration Recorder "1", OFF = SIP registration timeout. (ICX
  • Sub-event 21: ON = SIP registration Recorder "2", OFF = SIP registration timeout (ICX

Available from alphasys