
Send Call Back message to own station feature

From Zenitel Wiki

Feature: Send Call Back message to own station
Default directory number: 55 - during conversation
Feature number: 72
Parameter 1: 0 (N/A)
Description: Feature to put a station in own mail queue.
Procedure: During connection, dial 55. The conversation cancels, and the station appears in the mail queue.
The feature is available for the A-subscriber (the calling station) only.

Additional information:
The mail generated by "55" has priority level 30.

You can modify the priority level from the Event Handler:

Set priority level to 144. Change 144 to any priority between 1 - 255

A reset is required for the changes to take effect.

The priority level can also be modified from the NVRAM editor in TST.

TST>>nvram - ex_mi.mail_tab[11].msg_priority = 30 (0x1e)

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