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Revision as of 21:48, 17 December 2007 by Asle (talk)
SET_LOGICAL_RCO 0x006B 107 AMC 07.00
$SLRC W2 U1<br\>$SLRC W2 U1 W10 Set RCO #2 <br\>Set RCO #2 for 1 second
Set or clear a logical RCO. Mapping between logical and physical RCO is done by the exchange receiving this message. <br\>Note: COMMAND_RESPONSE is returned at the time the destination node receives the message, not after the RCO­pin has been actually set/cleared.
1 UINT2 Logical RCO number.
2 UINT1 New pin state:<br\>0 = turn output off <br\>1 = turn output on
3 UINT2 Duration of pulse, in tenths of second. Optional, new in AMC 10.03. If Duration parameter is present, and non-zero, the RCO state specified in previous parameter lasts for the specified time. After the time has expired, the RCO is toggled to the opposite state. If a new $SLRC message on the same RCO arrives while the pulse timer is running, the timer is canceled, and the new message determines the new RCO state. Duration = 0 means infinite duration.

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