
Free Seating

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AlphaCom icon 300px.png


The Free Seating system runs on standard AMC SW using the Event Handler and the AlphaPro WACS module for swapping two users. This function needs to have AlphaPro running and connected to the AlphaCom. It’s not possible to use the function without communication with the PC. The communication module of AlphaPro takes care of the changes and updates the exchange(s).
The Event Handler is used to activate and send AlphaNet Data Protocol data messages to AlphaPro.
A station with privilege to perform activation of free seating function must be used. A function code must be dialed and a mail will be sent to this station in order to inform about activation of free seating. When this is done it will be possible to do the free seating command from any other station.
When dialing another function code from the special station, the free seating function is disabled. The display text will then be removed/updated.
The code from the privileged station activates the event handler to send out data protocol messages to AlphaCom when the command for free seating is used. The command for free seating and the directory number for the station to be moved, must be dialed from the new location. A data protocol message will be sent to AlphaPro, which does a move and change in own database and sends the changes to the AlphaCom. When the message is handled, a mail (display message) will be sent to the new location informing about transfer completed.
If AlphaPro is set up to communicate with AMC through TCP/IP, it can be useful to enable the Automatic reconnect function.

What gets swapped

  • User and station
  • DAK keys
  • Search strings
  • Group membership


  • It is necessary to use unique directory numbers (global numbers) if Free Seating should be available over AlphaNet, else there can be directory number conflicts if an already used number is swapped from another node.
  • Event handler script related to the station will not be swapped.
  • When swapping between nodes, be aware that group membership(s) for a station might not be meaningful after a swap. If a station is member of a group in one node, the corresponding group in the other node might not be in use.
  • All use of physical number relations to the swapped station in scripts/DAK will fail.
  • DAK and general event handler scripts using directory number relations to the swapped user will work if unique directory numbers are used.
  • Event triggers to a swapped station will not work.
  • The swapped stations are not tested if they are default member of a conference. Therefore stations that are default member of a conference should not be swapped.
  • It is not possible to execute two free seating operations simultaneously.

AlphaPro Event programming


Two examples are described below. Example 1: "Use of Toggle Feature" contains less programming, but is not so flexible in synchronization of Free Seating enable/disable between nodes from one privileged station. In Example 2: "Use of UserDefinedData" it is possible to let one privileged station in the system enable/disable the Free Seating feature on several nodes.

Example 1: Use of Toggle Feature

Event Handling Programming Free Seating Swap

Dir. number 9535	Feature type 95
Code dialed from the user where the Free Seating should be activated. Parameter (%2.ref) is directory number for the user to swap with.
Event trigger type 25.

Event setting example:

Application A4a.png

Action commands:

@01CB M0090 %1.ref %2.ref
$DISCON_ST %1.ref 


@01CB M0090 %1.ref %2.ref   - Send message type 90 to node 1 AlphaPro device (CB/203 = AlphaPro device number) with info about stations to be swapped.
$DISCON_ST %1.ref 0         - Disconnect station without tone

Privileged Station Settings

Use Directory number 7873 (Feature/id 37/0) on privileged station to Enable/Disable Free Seating on node:
Program a DAK key with the DAK string I 7873 I 9535

Example 2: Use of UserDefinedData

Index 1 is used for free seating, active = 1, not active = 0

Event Handling Programming Activate Free Seating

Dialing code from privileged station will activate free seating.
Send display text to privileged station.
Script programmed only for privileged station.
Set variable 1 (UDD) = 1.
Feature 52	Dir. number 7941
Event trigger type 15

Event setting example:

Application A4b.png

Action commands:

WUDD 1 1
$DSPL %1.ref U18 0312 'Free Se Enabled'
@0241 $DD 4302080001 L7941

Also enable free seating in node 2 (superuser on station 1).

Event Handling Programming Deactivate Free Seating

Dialing code from privileged station will deactivate free seating.
Set variable (UDD) 1 = 0.
Send display text to privileged station 
Script programmed only for privileged station.
Feature 52	Dir. number 7942
Event trigger type 15

Event setting example:

Application A4c.png

Action commands:

WUDD 1 0
$DSPL %1.ref U18 0312 'Free Se Disabled’
@0241 $DD 4302080001 L7942

Also enable free seating in node 2 (superuser on station 1).

Event Handling Programming Free Seating Swap

Dir. number 7943	Feature type 95		
Code dialed from the user where the Free Seating should be activated. Parameter (%2.ref) is directory number for the user to swap with.
Event trigger type 25.

Event setting example:

Application A4d.png

Action commands:

IF %OP(%udd(1),=,1)
@01CB M0090 %1.ref %2.ref
$DISCON_ST %1.ref 0
$DSPL %1.ref U18 0312 ‘Free Se Disabled'


@01CB M0090 %1.ref %2.ref                   - Send message type 90 to node 1 AlphaPro device  (CB/203 = AlphaPro device number) with info about 
stations to be swapped. $DSPL %1.ref U18 0312 ‘Free Se Disabled' - Error message if Free Seating not active.

Display messages

The user gets information from the display when the free seating feature is started. If the swap is valid, the user will see “Please wait x” in the display of both stations. When the swap is completed the displays will show “Swap completed x”.

Error codes

If the user enters an invalid directory number, an “Invalid number/xxx” message is shown followed by an error code.

0     => Exchange file error
1     => Exchange file error
2     => Exchange file error
3     => NA => is correct !
4     => Directory number is not a station.
5     => User/Station file error
6     => User/Station file error
7     => User/Station file error
8     => User/Station file error
9     => Directory number 1 is not a global member in a remote node
10    => Directory number 2 is not a global member in a local node
11    => Exchange file error
12    => Can't swap same Directory number
13    => Directory number 1 defined with wrong feature.
14    => Directory number 2 defined with wrong feature.
15    => Error in file
16    => Directory number 1 is defined as local (Feature 9) in several nodes
17    => Directory number 2 is defined as local (Feature 9) in several nodes
18    => Directory number 1 and 2 are not defined as local (Feature 9) in any node
19    => Directory number 1 is not defined as local (Feature 9) in any node
20    => Directory number 2 is not defined as local (Feature 9) in any node

If AlphaPro and the communication module (WACS) is not running the user will not receive any display messages.