
Toggle Applications

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Revision as of 08:38, 6 April 2016 by Roarl (talk) (Volume adjustment)

This article describes different application where the common scenario is to toggle a feature on/off using just a DAK key. Some features have additional options that gives additional opportunities.

In the examples below the AlphaCom data commands used are hyperlinked. Common for many of them is:


The DAK as RCI event is the preferred event for most of the applications.


Toggle between Call and Cancel: pressing DAK key 1 sets up a call to station 101. Second press cancels the call. A second event must be created to handle the scenario where 101 initiates the call , or ends the call.

First DAK key press: Call.
Second press: Cancel

Action commands:

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$C L%1.dir
WUDD %1.phy 0
$CALL L%1.dir L101
WUDD %1.phy 1
Adjust UDD if call initiated or ended from the other station

Action command:

WUDD %1.phy %chg(1,0)

The same DAK can also answer an incoming call in private mode. Then the following event must be added:

Adjust UDD if call initiated or ended from the other station

In addition these commands must be added to the top of the initial DAK as RCI event:

IF %op(%udd(%1.phy),=,2)
$M L%1.dir
$MREL L%1.dir
WUDD %1.phy 1

For more details see $CALL, $C, $M, $MREL and pause

Call Request

Toggle between Call Request and Cancel Call Request: Pressing the DAK key the first time sends a Call Request to station 101 in the example. Second press cancels the call request. A second event must be created to handle the scenario where 101 answers the call request, or cancels it.

Toggle Applications 2.PNG

Action commands:

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$CANM L%1.dir L101
WUDD %1.phy 0
$SM L%1.dir L101
WUDD %1.phy 1
Toggle Applications 10.PNG

Action commands:

WUDD %1.phy 0

To add the possibility to answer incoming calls in private using the same DAK, see the Conversation application example.

For more details see $CANM, $SM and Call Request

Audio Program

Toggle between program on and program off. The example shows program 1 (801).

Toggle Applications 3.PNG

Action commands:

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$PROG L%1.dir LV
WUDD %1.phy 0
$PROG L%1.dir L801
WUDD %1.phy 1

Stepping through several programs can be performed by using the step codes 790 and 791 configured in the DAK settings:

Toggle Applications 11.PNG

An event can also be created to do this. The example below uses DAK 4 for stepping to next program, and DAK 5 for stepping to previous program.

Toggle Applications 12.PNG

Action commands:

IF %op(%sev,=,4)
$DD L%1.dir L790
IF %op(%sev,=,5)
$DD L%1.dir L791

For more details see $PROG and Audio Program


Toggle between Transfer on and Transfer off. The example shows transferring calls to directory number 101.

Toggle Applications 4.PNG

Action commands:

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$TRF L%1.dir ""
WUDD %1.phy 0
$TRF L%1.dir L101
WUDD %1.phy 1

Toggle between Call Request Transfer on and Call Request transfer off. The example shows transferring Call Requests to directory number 101.

Toggle Applications 13.PNG

Action commands:

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$SCRT L%1.dir
WUDD %1.phy 0
$SCRT L%1.dir L101
WUDD %1.phy 1

Option: If using a station with LED indications on the DAK keys (i.e. CRM-V or ECPIR-3P) the LED can be switched on and off to show status of the transfer. Change the action commands for the transfer event like this: (example shows red LED)

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$TRF L%1.dir ""
WUDD %1.phy 0
IND %1.phy %1.dir(i%2.dir) 1 1 OFF
$TRF L%1.dir L101
WUDD %1.phy 1
IND %1.phy %1.dir(i%2.dir) 1 1 ON

For more details see $TRF, $SCRT and IND

Simplex Conference

Toggle between joining a simplex conference (SX), and leaving it. The example shows joining/leaving SX1 (8201).

Toggle Applications 5.PNG

Action commands:

IF %udd(%1.phy)
$CONF L%1.dir LV
WUDD %1.phy 0
$CONF L%1.dir L8201
WUDD %1.phy 1

For more details see $CONF

Open Duplex Conference

Toggle between joining a open duplex conference (ODC), and leaving it. The example shows joining/leaving ODC1 (8301).

Toggle Applications 6.PNG

Action command:

$ODC L%1.dir L8301 U2

For more details see $ODC

Volume adjustment

Stepping the volume in a circle using just one button. After max volume, the next step is minimum volume.

Toggle Applications 7.PNG

Action commands:

IF %op(%vol(%1.phy),=,9)
$VOL L%1.dir U0
$VOL L%1.dir U%op(%vol(%1.phy),+,1)

Alternatively the volume stepping can be in double rate, incrementing the volume by two for each button press:

Action commands:

IF %op(%vol(%1.phy),=,9)
$VOL L%1.dir U1
$VOL L%1.dir U%op(%vol(%1.phy),+,2)

Using a station with two buttons (or two inputs) assigning one DAK for volume up, and one DAK for volume down:

Adjusting volume up when pressing DAK4 (input4)

Action commands:

IF %op(%vol(%1.phy),=,9)
$VOL L%1.dir U%op(%vol(%1.phy),+,1)
Adjusting volume down when pressing DAK5 (input5)

Action commands:

IF %op(%vol(%1.phy),=,0)
$VOL L%1.dir U%op(%vol(%1.phy),-,1)

For more details see VOL