

From Zenitel Wiki

SIMP 0x00A3 163 AMC 10.52
$SIMP L101 U1 U1
$SIMP L101
Force current conversation to SIMPLEX mode. Normally triggered by the Conversation Outgoing or Conversation Incoming event.
AlphaNet: Message must be sent to the Exchange "owning" the conversation (default B side exchange).
The audio level is boosted with 6 dB, same as when M-key is pressed during conversation.
Application example: Set all conversations in simplex mode.
One of the stations in the conversation
2 UINT1(Optional) Initial speech direction
0 = Audio from B station (Default)
1 = Audio from A station
3 UINT1(Optional) Allow short use of M-press to release Simplex mode
0 = Allow release of simplex mode (default)
1 = Inhibit release of simplex mode

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