
Main Settings - Edge Controller

From Zenitel Wiki


This article describes how to configure a Zenitel IP device to act as an Edge Controller.

Note icon
  • Most Zenitel IP devices can act as an Edge Controller, see full list here
  • You can do all configuration of your devices from the Edge Controller. There is no need to log on to each device
  • The Edge Controller should use a Static IP Address, not obtain IP address from a DHCP server

Setting the Edge Controller

Mode: Select the mode Edge Controller

Product Model And Accessory: Depending on the type of Turbine hardware, there are different Product models and accessories to choose from. Find your model here: Turbine Station Models

IP Settings:

  • Static IP – The Edge Controller must be assigned a Static IP address. Enter values for:
    • IP-address
    • Subnet-mask
    • Gateway: The controller must have a valid Default Gateway address defined.
      • If there is no gateway in the network, you can enter the same IP Address as the Static IP Address. A valid gateway address is important for the Group Call feature.
    • DNS Server 1: (option for network administration)
    • DNS Server 2: (option for network administration)
    • Hostname: (option for network administration)
  • Disable Reset to Factory default settings using frontboard and I/O : If enabled, factory reset will only be possible from StationWeb. This is disabled by default.
  • Read IP Address: When enabled an unregistered station will speak its IP address when the call button is pressed. "Read IP Address" is default enabled.
  • Enable RSTP (for Industrial & Ex stations): Check the Enable RSTP box to enable Rapid Speanning Tree Protocol RSTP. RSTP is only required when using redundant networking
  • Ethernet Speed 10 Mbits/s: Enable in some rare cases where it is not convenient to use 100 MBit/s Ethernet speed. Default Ethernet speed is 100 Mbit/s unless switch is configured to 10 Mbit/s.
  • IGMP Version [Desktop v2, IP FlushMaster v2 and IP-CROR v2 only]: Select IGMPv2 or IGMPv3 for multicast group membership.

Click Save to apply the new configuration settings.