
Password (IP Stations)

From Zenitel Wiki


The password of an IP Station can be changed by:

Password 7 5.PNG

Web Password

The Web Password is the password you need to use in the web browser of your PC to get access to the web interface of an IP station.

  • User: Username is admin
  • Old Password: Enter the old password for security. Default is alphaadmin
  • New Password: Enter a new password
  • Confirm New Password: The new password must be confirmed to avoid misprint

Password requirements

Firmware version 7.5 and higher

  • Length: minimum 8 - max. 32 characters
  • At least 3 of the following 4 criteria must be met:
    • 1 Digit
    • 1 Capital letter
    • 1 Small letter
    • 1 Special character

Special characters are: ?!@$%*,-.

A Factory Reset will reset to default password.

Firmware version 7.4 and lower

  • Password can contain numbers and letters only, no other symbols allowed.
  • Maximum length is 10 characters.

A factory reset will reset to default password.

In INCA stations with software version 01.06 and earlier the default username was ADMIN and the password was alphacom.

Offline Password

This setting is available for INCA Stations only. The Offline password is dialed on the station keypad to get access to the display setup menus. Default password is 1851.

In INCA stations with software version 01.06 and earlier the offline password was 1234.