
Getting Started (Zenitel Connect Pro)

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ZCP IconPlatf.PNG

This article describes step by step how to set up the Zenitel Connect Pro system from the start. It is recommended to follow this article from top down.

The Zenitel Connect Pro is delivered in two ways:

  • Installed on dedicated ICX-510 hardware, or
  • as an OVA-image which can be installed as a Virtual Machine. OVA images are available for VMWare and VirtualBox, and include the Linux Ubuntu Server 22.04 operating system.

This article is valid for both types of installations.


Software requirements

  • Zenitel Intercom stations and devices: Version or later
Note icon The 1st generation of Zenitel IP devices (INCA based) are not supported.

License requirements

The Zenitel Connect Pro is a licensed product, and for stations and devices to register to the server, a valid license must be installed.

However, after a factory reset the Zenitel Connect Pro operates fully with a 20 days free license period. The system can be fully configured and tested during the free license period. Just make sure to install a valid license before the free period expires.

For more details regarding licensing, see Licensing in Zenitel Connect Pro

Configuring the Zenitel Connect Pro Server

How to Access the Zenitel Connect Pro web interface

ICX-510: Connect your laptop to Ethernet port 0 (Eth 0) of the ICX-510 unit. Open a web browser (e.g. Chrome or Firefox), and enter the IP address of the ICX-510 in the address bar. The default IP address is, with subnet mask Default username and password: admin/admin. Make sure your laptop is in the 169.254.x.x range.

ICX-510 startup.jpg
Connect the laptop to the Eth0 port

Zenitel Connect Pro on Virtual Server: Use the IP address displayed when starting up the virtual machine. Approx. 30 seconds after startup, the IP address is displayed for 120 seconds.

ZCP IP Virtual.PNG
IP address displayed in virtual environment

The Zenitel Connect Pro web interface

The web interface consists of four Main Sections:

  • System
  • Devices and Connections
  • Features
  • Applications

Each Main Section has a set of menus that can be accesses either by clicking on the Tile, or by selecting from the menu in the Side bar. You can always return to this page by pressing ZCP HomeIcon.PNG in the top left corner.

Here is a link to a detailed description of each tile.

ZCP WebFront.PNG
The Homepage of Zenitel Connect Pro

Software Upgrade

It is highly recommended to upgrade the Zenitel Connect Pro to the latest software version before proceeding with the commissioning.

Download the .swu file from the Downloads section of ZenitelWiki. Go to System > Software Upgrade, and “drag & drop” the file to the area shown below:

ZCP SW Upgrade.PNG
Easy Drag & Drop software update

The upgrade progress is shown in the web interface. The system will be out of service while the new software is being installed.

Network Settings

The ICX-510 unit has 2 network interfaces, labeled Eth0 and Eth1. The default configuration is:

  • Eth0: Static IP-address
  • Eth1: DHCP

Good practice is to use Eth1 for Production (intercom devices, integrations etc.), and keep the default settings on Eth0 and use this interface as a management interface.

A Virtual Machine has a minimum of one network interface. All interfaces are configured as DHCP.

ZCP Network.PNG
Network configuration
Note icon It is recommended to use “Static” IP address, as the devices need to know the IP-address of the server. Alternatively use DHCP, and link the MAC-address of the ICX-510 to a fixed IP address in the DHCP Server.

A "Hostname" is mandatory, and is common for both (all) ethernet interfaces.

The IP addresses are given in CIDR notation.

See Network configuration for more details.

Time Settings

The system time can be synchronized to an external NTP server. If no NTP server available, the time can be manually set. When timezone is set, Daylight Savings Time will auto-adjust.

By clicking on "Map", you can select your timezone from a map:

Time Settings

See Time Settings in Zenitel Connect Pro for more details.


The firewall allows inbound rules to be set. Rules can be set for each network interface individually. The system is fully operational with the default Firewall settings.

ZCP Firewall.PNG
Firewall Settings - Default rules

Managing rules:

  • Add a rule: Click on ZC PlusIcon.PNG on the right hand top side and edit the new line as appropriate
  • Edit a rule: Click on ZC PencilIcon.PNG at the end of each rule; edit the rule as appropriate
  • Delete a rule: Select or multi-select the rules to be deleted; click on ZC DustbinIcon.PNG on the right hand top side of the inbound rules table


  • If left empty, there is no filtering based on the IP-address of the source
  • If assigned a subnet address in CIDR notation; example:, it will only allow traffic from IP-addresses in the range -
  • If assigned a specific IP-address; only traffic originating from that IP-address is allowed

See Firewall in Zenitel Connect Pro for more details.


The Zenitel Connect Pro is a licensed product, and for stations and devices to register to the server, a valid license must be installed.

However, after a factory reset the Zenitel Connect Pro operates fully with a 20 days free license period. The system can be fully configured and tested during the free license period. The remaining time is shown in the top banner of the web interface. Just make sure to install a valid license before the free period expires, else the system will cease to operate.

ZCP Licenses.PNG
Zenitel Connect Pro - License management page

See Licensing in Zenitel Connect Pro for more details.

User Management

The default user has Administrator rights with username and password admin/admin.

OBS icon It is strongly recommended to change the password of the default user immediately after the system has been powered on for the first time.

Any number of users can be defined. There are three roles:

  • Administrator – Access to all menus in the web interface. No access to the API via “Zenitel Link”. Administrator can create and delete users.
  • Device and Feature Configuration - Access to the Main Sections “Devices and Connections”, “Features” and “Applications”. No access to the “System” section.
  • Zenitel Link User - Access to the API via “Zenitel Link”. No access to the web interface.
The Users administration page

Changing a password:
Administrators can change the password for any user. Users with other roles can only change their own password.

  • Click on ZC KeyIcon.PNG in the column Actions
  • In the new window enter the old and the new password
  • Click Change password

Adding users:
A user with the administrator role can define a new user; click ZC PlusIcon.PNG to add a new user. A user is defined by entering the following fields:

  • Username
  • An optional Display Name
  • Role
  • Password

See User management for more details.

Adding Stations and Devices

OBS icon Zenitel native stations and devices are automatically discovered by and configured from Zenitel Connect Pro. There is no need to log on to the individual devices.


  • Device firmware or later
  • Devices are Factory Default
  • The devices are connected to a network with DHCP server. If the devices are to use Static IP Address, see Adding Devices with Static IP Address

Scan the network for devices

When devices are connected to the network the Zenitel Connect Pro can scan the network and discover the devices, and you can then assign properties, such as number and name, as explained below:

  1. Connect the devices to the network
  2. From Zenitel Connect Pro web interface, Devices and Connections > Configuration, run the Scan function ZCP Scan Icon.PNG to discover the devices
  3. From the list of discovered devices, you can identify the device either from its MAC address or by playing a tone in the speaker of the device by clicking the icon CP PlayIcon.PNG. Playing a tone only works with native Zenitel devices.
  4. Select Click to assign, and either enter a Directory Number and Name for the device. Or if the device has already been Added Manually, you can select it from the "already added numbers" drop-down list.
  5. The Zenitel Connect Pro will now push configuration out to the device, the device will register to the server, and should get the configuration status "Configured" in the web interface. The device is now operational.
ZCP ClickToAssign.PNG
Click to assign a directory number and name to a newly discovered device

By default the server will scan the subnet(s) defined on the ethernet port(s). Additional subnets can be defined by pressing the ZC SubnetIcon.PNG icon.

Manually Adding devices

If devices are not yet connected to the network one can manually add the devices either from the Zenitel Connect Pro web interface, or by importing from an Excel spreadsheet. At a later stage, when the devices are connected, perform a Scan, and then pair the discovered physical devices with the manually added devices.


1. In the Zenitel Connect Pro web interface select Devices and Connections -> Configuration, select the icon ZC PlusIcon.PNG to add a new device. Enter Directory Number and Name as a minimum. Device Type, MAC Address and Location are optional fields.
Alternatively, one can import devices from an Excel spreadsheet.
Manually Adding a device
Save by pressing the CP SaveIcon.PNG icon to the right.
2. Later, when the devices are connected to the network, run the Scan function ZCP Scan Icon.PNG to discover the physical devices
3. The next step depends on if the MAC address was included in the first step or not:
3.1. If the MAC Address was added in step 1, and there is a match with a MAC of a discovered device, this device will automatically be assigned and become operational
3.2. If the MAC address was not added or no match found, you need to assign the physical device to a manually added device by selecting Click to assign and under assign to an existing number select the device from the drop-down list. Devices that are already assigned will be shown in bold text, unassigned devices in non-bold text.
ZCP ManualAddAssign.png
Assigning a discovered device to an already existing number

Device Status

The Configuration Status for each device is displayed in the Device and Connections > Configuration.

Device status

The different configuration and operational statuses are:

  • Unpaired: The device has not yet been enrolled and/or has not yet received its configuration
  • Enrolling: The device has been discovered during the 'Scan'-process, and is now receiving its initial configuration
  • Configured: The device has been configured and is fully operational
  • Unconfigured: A configuration change made in Zenitel Connect was not sent to the device (yet). This should rectify itself within a few minutes. If it does not rectify itself quickly enough, make a configuration change to the same device (replace some data in a field with the same data) and press Save.
  • Offline: The device has been discovered and enrolled, but is no longer registered with the Zenitel Connect server.

Device Password: The devices are automatically assigned a new password by Connect Pro. Click the “eye” to reveal the password. You will be prompted for the Administrator password.

Basic Configuration - Stations

Device Configuration overview

Devices are configured by going to Devices and Connections > Configuration, and selecting a device from the device list (click on the check box to the left), then click one of the configuration icons. It is possible to multi-select devices; then common parameters for the selected devices will be shown.

Configuration Icons are located to left in the Device List

Functions and features behind each configuration icon:

ZCP DeviceConfigIcons2.png
Configuration Icons

Call Buttons

Call buttons or DAKs (Direct Access Keys) are configured in the following way:

  • In the Zenitel Connect Pro web interface, navigate to Devices and Connections -> Configuration
  • Select the device with the Call button you want to configure
  • Click on the icon labeled Buttons ZC ButtonsIcon.PNG
  • Enter the number to call in Dial String
  • In Functions In Call State select what should happen when the button is pressed during the call
ZCP CallButt1.PNG
Call button on station 123 configured to call number 677

See Call and Function buttons for more details.

OLED Display

If the station is equipped with an OLED display, the display can be configured by selecting the Display Settings configuration icon:

  • Click on the icon labeled Display Settings ZC DisplaysettingsIcon.PNG
  • Enter parameters as required:
    • OLED Brightness: Extra Dim, Dim, Default, Bright, Extra Bright, Max Brightness
    • Start Scrolling Time: Time in minutes after which horizontal scrolling should start
    • Menu Text Color: Select between Light Text on dark background, or Dark Text on light background (Inverse video).
    • Display Text: The text in the display(s)
    • Font Size: The font size can be either 12 or 16
Configuration of the OLED display of an TCIS-5 unit

Call List (Address Book)

If the station is equipped with an OLED display and buttons for scrolling a Call List/Address Book, the OLED display can be configured by selecting the Display Settings configuration icon:

  • Select the station from the device list, and click on the icon labeled Display Settings ZC DisplaysettingsIcon.PNG
  • Enter parameters as required:
    • OLED Brightness: Extra Dim, Dim, Default, Bright, Extra Bright, Max Brightness
    • Start Scrolling Time: Time in minutes after which horizontal scrolling should start
    • Menu Text Color: Select between Light Text on dark background, or Dark Text on light background (Inverse video).
    • Display Text: The text in the display in idle
    • Font Size: The font size can be either 12 or 16
    • Sort Call List: Sets how the call list is sorted:
      • Off - As configured in the web interface
      • Name ascending
      • Name descending
      • Directory number ascending
      • Directory number descending
  • Show Directory Number: When enabled the directory number will be shown in square brackets after the name when scrolling through the address book: ZCP ShowDirNo.png
ZCP OLEDScroll.png
Configuration of the OLED display of a TCIS-6 unit

The actual Call List / Address Book is configured by selecting the Buttons configuration icon.

  • Select the station from the device list, and click on the Buttons icon labeled ZC ButtonsIcon.PNG
  • Click the + in the Call List section to add an entry
  • Dial String: The number to dial
  • Label: The text shown in the OLED display when scrolling to that entry
  • Add a new entry below a specific entry by clicking the + (Max 50 entries)
  • Change the place of an entry in the Call List by means of the Up or Down arrows, or select "Sort Call List" under the the Display Settings configuration
ZCP CallList.png
Call List entries

Audio Settings

From the Audio Settings page one can set loudspeaker volume, enable various audio signal processing features and more.

  • Select the station from the device list, and click on the icon labeled Audio ZC AudioIcon.PNG
  • There are four separate sections:
    • Audio Outputs - Set the output gain for the different loudspeaker and line types which the device supports
    • Audio Inputs - Set the gain for the different microphone types which the device supports
    • Audio Lines - Contains Audio Signal Processing features, used to enhance the audio experience, especially when an intercom is located in an acoustically challenging environment
    • AVC (Automatic Volume Control) - The AVC feature automatically adjusts the volume of the loudspeaker to compensate for ambient noise
ZCP AudioSettings.PNG
Audio Configuration

Video Settings

If the station is equipped with a camera (e.g. TCIV+, TMIV+ or TEIV+), the default video settings can be modified by selecting the Video configuration icon:

  • Select the station from the device list, and click on the icon labeled Video ZC VideoIcon.PNG
  • For the video streams RTSP H.264 and SIP H.264 the following parameters are adjustable: Resolution, Frames per Second, Bitrate and GOV Length
  • For video stream using HTTP MJPEG authentication can be enabled
  • Brightness, Saturation and Contrast can be modified
  • Zoom and vertical and horizontal Offset can be adjusted, and the image can be Rotated in steps of 90 degrees.
ZCP VideoSettings.PNG
Video Settings

See Video Configuration for more details.

Answer Mode

The Answer Mode determines if Incoming calls should be ringing, or connect straight through.

Configuration is from Devices and Connections > Configuration; select the device to configure and click the Call Settings icon ZC CallsettingsIcon.PNG:

ZCP AnswerMode.PNG
Answer Mode settings
  • Autoanswer ON: (OPEN mode) Incoming calls will connect straight through, without user having to accept the call
  • Autoanswer OFF: (PRIVATE mode) Incoming calls are ringing; users need to accept the call with handset or answer button (e.g. M-key)
  • User Selectable: The user can – via display menu – select if the station should use Autoanswer ON or OFF.

See Auto-Answer for more details.


Call Forwarding

There are three types of Call Forwardings available:

  • Forwarding on timeout
  • Forwarding on busy
  • Unconditional forwarding

Set Call Forwarding from the Zenitel Connect Pro web interface:
The configuration is from Devices and Connections > Configuration; select the device to configure and click the Call Settings icon ZC CallsettingsIcon.PNG:

ZCP CallForward.PNG
Example: Calls to 744 (Front Desk) are forwarded to 543 if 744 is busy, or if 744 doesn't answer within a preset time

The timeout before forwarding is configured in Devices and Connections > Global Parameters.

Set Call Forwarding from a station/user:
Call Forwarding is set/reset by dialing the appropriate code. Examples:
*61*543# - Will activate Forwarding on Timeout to number 543. Cancel the forwarding by #61#, the target number will retain. Reestablish the forwarding by *61#.
*67*543# - Will activate Forwarding on Busy to number 543. Cancel the forwarding by #67#, the target number will retain. Reestablish the forwarding by *67#.
*21*543# - Will activate Unconditional Forwarding to number 543. Cancel the forwarding by #21#, the target number will retain. Reestablish the forwarding by *21#.

On Zenitel devices the dial sequence must be pre-configured on a function (DAK) key:

ZCP CallForwardingDAK.PNG
Set and Reset Unconditional Call Forwarding from a DAK key.

On ITSV Video phones dial the sequence from the keypad, or enter the sequence as a Speed Dial key for single touch activation.

The Zenitel Connect Pro web interface reflects the forwarding status for each device, also when set from the device.

See Call Forwarding for more details.

Door Opening

By pressing digit “6” during a call between an operator and a door intercom, a relay can be operated to trigger the door lock. The relay will be pulsed for 3 seconds.

The configuration is from Devices and Connections > Configuration; select the door intercom and click the Call Settings icon ZC CallsettingsIcon.PNG.

Trigger the built-in relay of the door intercom

ZCP DoorOpeningBlock.png
Door Opening triggered by digit "6"

Under the "Door Opening" section set:

  • Door Opening Device = “Own Device”
  • Door Opening Output = Relay 1 (Optionally "Relay 2" if available, or one of the additional Outputs available on the door intercom)
Configuration of the Door Opening feature

Trigger a remote relay located in a safe area

ZCP DoorOpeningBlockSafe.png
Relay located in safe area

For security reasons it might be required to operate a relay on a device located in a safe area, instead of controlling the relay of the door intercom itself.

Under the "Door Opening" section set:

  • Door Opening Device = Select the remote device from the drop-down list
  • Door Opening Output = Relay 1 (Optionally "Relay 2" if available, or one of the additional Outputs available on the door intercom)
ZCP DoorOpnRem.PNG
Remote relay in safe area


Door Opening is by default prohibited. Permission must be granted using Call Services.

1. Go to Devices and Connections > Permissions
2. Copy the Default Call Service by selecting the copy icon:

Permissions Copy.PNG
Copying the Default Call Service by selecting the copy icon

3. Give the new Call Service a proper name, e.g. "DoorOpeners"

Permissions NewCallService.PNG
Giving the new Call Service a proper name

4. Select the newly created Call Service, and press the (+) icon to add the operation Door Open Callee:

Permissions DoorOpenCallee.PNG
Adding the operation Door Open Callee

If you need to restrict door opening to specific door(s), one can add a door intercom number range in the Related to fields. The door opening function will then only be possible towards door intercoms within that range.

Note icon To allow for Door Opening when the operator calls to the door, add the operation Door Open Caller in addition

5. Finally, one need to assign the new Call Service to those stations that should be able to activate door opening. In Devices and Connections > Configuration; select the operator intercom, click the Edit icon, and change the Call Service:

Permissions Assign.PNG
Changing the Call Service

See Call Services and Permissions for more details.

Call Queuing

Call Queuing is often used in security related communications. Call Queuing has a some advantages versus direct calling:

  • 250 priority levels. Call Queues can have different priorities. The highest priority call will always be at the top of the Call Queue. 250 priority levels.
  • A call to a Call Queue is always indicated by ringing in the Operator device, regardless of the auto-answer setting.
  • Parallel call: Several operators can be called in parallel
  • Sequential call: A call can be escalated to next level (a new Call Queue or individual operator) if the original call is not attended to within a preset time
  • Individual timeout per queue

Call Queues are configured from Features > Call Queues:

  1. Press (+) to add a new queue
  2. Enter a Directory Number, Name and Queue Timeout
  3. Add operator(s) to the queue

Example: Dialing 6701 should place a call to 678 (Reception) and 244 (Front Desk) in parallel. If not answered withing 25 seconds, the call should be forwarded to 543 (Main Guard):

ZCP CallQueue2.PNG
Call 678 and 244 in parallel. If not answered withing 25 seconds, the call will be forwarded to 543 (Main Guard)

Call Queue configuration:

ZCP CallQueue6701.PNG
Call 678 and 244 in parallel. If not answered withing 25 seconds, the call will be forwarded to 543 (Main Guard)


The broadcast feature is used for distribution of live audio announcements to a group of devices. An announcement will be preceded with a chime signal.

  • Up to 10 broadcast groups are supported
  • Priority levels 1 to 250, 70 is default
  • If a device is receiving two or more group calls at the same time:
    • The highest priority group will be played
    • If equal priority, the first one will be played
    • Priority 1- 20 (Emergency): Volume & Handset override
  • Configurable timeout (default =3600 sec.)
  • Permission to start a broadcast can be restricted in Devices and Connections > Permissions

Broadcast groups are created and configured from Features > Broadcasts:

  1. Press (+) to add a new group
  2. Enter a Directory Number and Name
  3. Add members to the group

Example: Dialing 85 should activate a live announcement to 613 (Deliveries) and 4545 (Corridor 2A):

ZCP Broadcast.PNG
85 is activating a live announcement to 613 (Deliveries) and 4545 (Corridor 2A)

Broadcast configuration:

ZCP BrdCast85.PNG
85 is activating a live announcement to 613 (Deliveries) and 4545 (Corridor 2A)


Most Zenitel Devices have GPIOs (General Purpose Inputs/Outputs).

Inputs are configured in the following way:

  • In the Zenitel Connect Pro web interface, navigate to Devices and Connections -> Configuration
  • Select the device you want to configure
  • Click on the icon labeled Inputs & Outputs ZC IOIcon.PNG, and select the input to configure
  • Enter the number to call in Dial String
  • In Functions In Call State select what should happen when the input is activated during the call
ZCP Input1.PNG
Input #1 on station 123 configured to call number 244


Most Zenitel Devices have one or two built-in relays.

The relay configuration is done from Devices and Connections > Configuration:

  • Select the device you want to configure
  • Click on the icon labeled Inputs & Outputs ZC IOIcon.PNG, and scroll down to Output Configuration #1
  • Select which call events should operate the relay
  • The actions to select from are:
    • Do Nothing
    • On
    • Off
    • Slow Flash
    • Fast Flash

Slow Flash has a pattern of 1.2 sec On/1.2 sec Off
Fast Flash has a pattern of 0.3 sec On/0.3 sec Off

ZCP RelayOut1.PNG
Relay #1 on station 197 configured for Call Indication


Most Zenitel Devices have GPIOs (General Purpose Inputs/Outputs).

The output configuration is done from Devices and Connections > Configuration:

  • Select the device you want to configure
  • Click on the icon labeled Inputs & Outputs ZC IOIcon.PNG, and select the GPIO to configure
  • Set the Input/Output = Output
  • Select which call events should operate the output
  • The actions to select from are:
    • Do Nothing
    • On
    • Off
    • Slow Flash
    • Fast Flash

Slow Flash has a pattern of 1.2 sec On/1.2 sec Off
Fast Flash has a pattern of 0.3 sec On/0.3 sec Off

ZCP Output2.PNG
Output #2 on station 171 configured to operate a Call LED